The Client
PA reports offer their members a comprehensive collection of audit reports inside a fully searchable database, as well as the option of custom research papers to support performance auditors.

The Project
After working with us on their main brand, Risk Insights, the team were keen to engage us again for a new project — PA Reports. They needed support with creating initial messaging around a new product, and a corresponding landing page — all ahead of their upcoming launch at a conference.

The Solution
We worked closely with the team to determine potential launch and marketing strategies they could explore, offering a number of ideas. The main strategy involved a soft launch via the website and email list, with some strong initial offers encouraging people to try the offer(s), ahead of the official launch at a major conference, and then following up with attendees via email and LinkedIn.

We created a website and content that would fit the brand — along the lines of their existing Risk Insights brand, but with some distinctions. The website included a home page (that detailed the offers), enquiry/briefing forms, a podcast section, and a subscription form. We also created some email templates to confirm the form information was successfully submitted (and reinforce messaging about expected turnaround time).